

Service Provider’s data:

Service Provider: MNB-EduLab Kft. (“Service Provider”)
Registered seat: H-1013 Budapest, Krisztina körút 55.
Company registration number: 01-09-386367
Registered by the Court of Registration of the Budapest-Capital Regional Court
VAT number: 29306934-2-41
Chamber: Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI)
Represented by: Hergár Eszter Márta managing director
Email: info@penzmuzeum.hu
Web: penzmuzeumpanoramaterasz.hu

Web hosting provider’s data
Websupport Magyarország Kft.
Registered seat: H-1132 Budapest, Victor Hugo utca 18-22.
Email: support@websupport.hu
Web:  https://www.websupport.hu/

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MNB-EduLab Kft. shall not guarantee that the information published on the website are accurate. MNB-EduLab Kft. shall not assume any liability for any damage resulting from errors, inaccuracies or problems of a technical nature. MNB-Edulab Kft. reserves the right to modify the content of the website in its entirety or in part at any time.

The website may be attached to other websites only without any change to its form or content, and only in cases where it serves no advertising purposes.

Please, send the URL of the attached site and the contact person’s contact details to the following address: info@penzmuzeum.hu

For further information, contact MNB-EduLab Kft at the following email address: info@mnb-edulab.hu